
Types of Hallucinations

When someone with Alzheimer’s or other dementias hallucinates, they may see something that’s not there. For example, they may hear, smell, taste, or feel something you (the caregiver) cannot identify.

There are different types of hallucinations. You may see one type occur in your LO, or you may see a few.

Mommy has visual hallucinations. She loves that tree because she thinks it’s a person, and the pillows on the couch are her children. She’s about to get an F for messing with my tree. 😩

Before giving your LO medication, 😉 make sure it’s not a safety issue. Observe them and make a wise decision. If you feel the hallucinations are causing your LO to do something dangerous, consult your primary care physician immediately.

Here are a few ways to help.

💜Always remain calm and support them.

💜Redirect their behavior to reduce the hallucination.

💜Acknowledge what they see, hear, feel, smell, or touch.

💜If need be, please modify the environment.

For more info, visit incaseiforgetconsulting.com


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